Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Steve Johnson vs. Kip McKean

Sorry to take so long to post this, but this is so hilarious. Steve Johnson has split from Kip and the SODM (Portland AKA Sold Out Discipling Movement or SODOM, I mean, SODM)!!


IMO they are both complete asses. And clearly I'm not the only one who thinks so.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the label be plural in this case? :-)

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha true ! glad to hear the labels are being used - that one's particularly rich.

6:19 AM  
Blogger Dekri said...

Hehehe, the first thing I thought when I saw the acroynm SODM wasthey misspelled SODOM ;)

I met both in the mid-90s I personally liked Steve (he is much more of a hipster douchebag to Kip's full on douchbaggyness)

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"SODM" Hahahahaha. Looks like the Kipster is returning to his own squalid history from Crossroads.

Back when I was in the Boston Church ('87-'89) one of their most esteemed Zone Leaders, Willie Flores, had to step down due *ahem* "personal and family problems," the exact same thing for which Kip had to step down from the ICOC leadership.

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of our society allowing this church of assholes to continue running around bullying people's lives....I was brought into this farce by my girlfriend in 2008 (I should have turned that fat ass down)....she is a weak-minded, insecure brainwashed "B" and the Chicago church decided since I was Greek-Orthodox that they were going to screw with my relationship...well McKean (you get credit since you allow and train your cronies to do this to people all over the world) you asshole, now I will expose the bullying to the world...you fu#$@! with the wrong
Greek you fu#$

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are imperfect. God is not. How can we be forgiven if we cannot forgive. Love never fails. Have you forgotten that there is a God in Heaven who judges the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts? Everything is laid bare before Him to whom we must and will give account. I do not follow Kip or Steve. I follow Jesus. The bible is true and reasonable. I am loyal to the church that took the time out to show me the Word of God. We wouldn't have most of the New Testament if the first century church was perfect and never messed up. Read it. It's no surprise that we messed up too. Have you read Henry Crete's letter? Let's be part of the solution.
a sister in the faith

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though you probably wont post my last comment, I pray to our perfect Father that you will take it to heart. Don't let imperfect people rob you of your faith in Him. There are true disciples of Jesus that are not robots. Our souls are the only thing that aren't going to be ash someday. Yea, I've thought about giving up. It's not easy to stand up for what's right. Jesus wasn't brutally beaten beyond human recognition and nailed to the cross for tellin people what they want to hear. Walking as He did ticks a lot of people off. I didn't follow Kip when he split. I stuck with my dysfunctional family. Jesus prayed for unity among the believers because He knew we'd have some major issues. And we do! But I love Him and His family still. And I pray for unity among the believers.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though you probably wont post my last comment, I pray to our perfect Father that you will take it to heart. Don't let imperfect people rob you of your faith in Him. There are true disciples of Jesus that are not robots. Our souls are the only thing that aren't going to be ash someday. Yea, I've thought about giving up. It's not easy to stand up for what's right. Jesus wasn't brutally beaten beyond human recognition and nailed to the cross for tellin people what they want to hear. Walking as He did ticks a lot of people off. I didn't follow Kip when he split. I stuck with my dysfunctional family. Jesus prayed for unity among the believers because He knew we'd have some major issues. And we do! But I love Him and His family still. And I pray for unity among the believers.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Ivy league university will be ash someday, along with my diploma, my 3.75 average, and the highly esteemed university they were attained from. God's grace is the only thing that is worth anything. Pride in our pedigree, position, and practices get us nowhere in the end. Every knee will bow.

12:12 PM  

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